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Being relatively remote, safety is a more significant issue at Illawong than in resorts.

lllawong Ski Tourers has developed a culture of providing assistance to those in need and members will regularly offer help to passers-by, ranging from providing directions to assisting exhausted and injured skiers.

Beneath the lodge is an emergency shelter which is available to anyone in distress. Members ensure that the shelter is kept clean and provisioned with blankets and some basic food stuffs.

To promote a safety conscious culture within the club, IST has produced Safety Guidelines. IST encourages all visitors to read and consider the guidelines when planning, and during, their stay at Illawong Lodge.

IST stresses that the club and its members cannot be held responsible for the safety of people during their journeys to and from Illawong Lodge.

NPWS also puts out Kosciuszko Today a seasonal magazine that covers activities in the park and usually some safety information.

Fire safety

Many of Illawong’s operating systems have been designed to minimise the risk of fire. For instance, converting to solar power has reduced the hazards associated with handling large amounts of fuel that were required previously to run the generator.

However, we cannot rely entirely on the operating systems. We must continually be aware of the possibility of fire in the lodge and remain vigilant at all times.

Upon your arrival at Illawong, the accredited member of your party will give you a brief instruction on identifying, fighting and reducing the incidence of fire.

Help us protect the environment, culture and heritage of Illawong and its surrounds by remaining vigilant at all times.

More detailed training is provided for in the accreditation sessions

Smoking is not allowed at Illawong.

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